יום חמישי, אוקטובר 26, 2006

Solving a non-problem in the wrong way.

Someone at the Register has a tip to solve the load caused by 10,000 downloads of Fedora Core 6 in 5 hours:

"...Perhaps Red Hat could give the Fedora Project a beefy Unix box, or two."

The BitTorrent downloads are mentioned only in the end as a workaround.

It should be remembered that P2P distribution is one of the inherent advantages of using free software and save costly bandwidth. Let the proprietary software vendors pay their own bandwidth and be tangled in their centralized "portals".

Which, of course, begs to link Jamendo that can offer CD quality music downloads via BW saving P2P..... because they offer only free music.

יום רביעי, אוקטובר 25, 2006

Hardware vendors start to comply...

I just bought an Edimax access point to my SOHO.
The first thing inside the box was the following card:

It also appears as the first paragraph on the
download page in their site.

Winds of change? I don't know, but they earned
one extra customer for sure...

יום רביעי, ספטמבר 27, 2006